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Huge distribution warehouse with high shelves and loaders. Bottom view.

Warehouse KPI Metrics Guide


In the dynamic and fast-paced environment of supply chain management, the need for precision, efficiency, and continuous improvement is paramount. This is where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) emerge as invaluable tools, offering a comprehensive framework to evaluate, enhance, and optimise warehouse operations. This article delves into the significance of warehouse KPIs and explores the methodologies for tracking performance.

Why should you set warehouse KPIs?

KPIs not only serve as performance benchmarks but also act as guiding lights for strategic decision-making, process refinement and resource allocation. They play a pivotal role in gauging the success and efficiency of warehouse operations.

By establishing and tracking warehouse KPIs, organisations can gain valuable insights into their performance, identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to enhance overall efficiency and customer satisfaction. Setting warehouse KPIs serves several purposes, including:

Performance Evaluation

Warehouse KPIs provide a quantitative assessment of how well the facility is meeting its objectives. They offer a clear picture of overall performance, helping organisations measure success against predefined goals.

Process Improvement

KPIs highlight specific areas that may require attention or optimisation. By identifying bottlenecks or inefficiencies, organisations can implement targeted improvements to streamline operations and reduce costs.

Decision-Making Support

Informed decision-making relies on accurate data. Warehouse KPIs offer actionable insights that empower managers and executives to make strategic choices, allocate resources effectively, and adapt to changing market demands.

How do you track warehouse performance?

Tracking warehouse performance involves the use of sophisticated tools and systems to gather, analyse and interpret data. Some common methods include:

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

Implementing a robust Warehouse Management System is crucial for tracking performance. WMS software automates various warehouse processes, providing real-time data on inventory levels, order fulfilment and overall efficiency.

RFID Technology

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology enables accurate tracking of inventory throughout the warehouse. RFID tags on products and pallets facilitate real-time monitoring, reducing errors and improving overall visibility.

Data Analytics

Utilising data analytics tools allows organisations to analyse historical and real-time data, uncovering patterns and trends. Advanced analytics help in identifying areas for improvement and predicting future performance.

What are the performance measurements in a warehouse?

To effectively assess warehouse performance, organisations must focus on key performance measurements. The following metrics provide a comprehensive view of warehouse operations:

Inventory Turnover

Inventory turnover measures how efficiently a warehouse is selling and replenishing its stock. a higher turnover ratio signifies effective inventory management and a dynamic, fast-moving product line.

This is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the average inventory value.

Picking Accuracy

Picking accuracy evaluates the precision with which orders are picked and fulfilled. High picking accuracy is essential to minimise errors, reduce returns, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

This is calculated by comparing the number of accurately picked items to the total items picked and then expressing it as a percentage.

Order Accuracy

Order accuracy assesses the correctness of orders shipped to customers. Maintaining high order accuracy minimises returns, reduces associated costs, and contributes to overall customer satisfaction.

It is calculated by dividing the number of accurately fulfilled orders by the total number of orders shipped, then multiplying by 100 for a percentage.


This refers to the loss of inventory due to theft, damage, or errors. Monitoring shrinkage is crucial for identifying security and operational issues, enabling organisations to implement preventive measures and minimise potential losses.

Shrinkage is calculated by working out the optimal income you could achieve by selling the goods and subtracting the actual income from those goods. Shrinkage is best expressed as a percentage of company sales, rather than in pounds and pence.

Order Lead Time

Order lead time measures the duration from order placement to delivery. Shorter lead times improve customer satisfaction, allowing organisations to respond more effectively to market demands and providing a competitive edge.

To calculate the order lead time, simply subtract the order date from the delivery date. If an item was delivered on January 31st and ordered on January 18th, the order lead time would be 13 days.

Labour Productivity

This metric assesses the efficiency of the workforce in performing various warehouse tasks; it helps optimise staffing levels, identify areas for employee training and improve overall operational efficiency.

It is calculated by dividing the output by the total hours worked.

Warehouse Utilisation

Warehouse utilisation measures how effectively the available storage space is utilised. Maximising warehouse space ensures efficient storage, reduces costs and supports overall operational efficiency.

It is calculated by dividing the total used storage space by the total available storage space and is typically presented as a percentage.

Return Rate

Return rate tracks the percentage of shipped products that customers return. Monitoring return rates help identify product quality issues, improves inventory accuracy, and enhances overall customer satisfaction.

This metric is calculated by dividing the number of returned items by the total number of items shipped.

In conclusion, setting and tracking warehouse KPIs are essential components of effective supply chain management. By focusing on key metrics, organisations can optimise their operations, reduce costs, and deliver a seamless customer experience. Regularly reviewing and adapting KPIs ensures that warehouse operations remain aligned with business goals and industry best practices.

How can Optima help?

A powerful WMS, such as Optima WS, helps warehouse managers improve order fulfilment, inventory accuracy, space optimisation and minimise errors, all saving money and boosting efficiency. Get in touch with our friendly team to find out how your business can benefit.